How to get stock's price?

Stock’s price

This post introduce for us to get stock price using API with python.

  • pandas_datareader API

it is very useful API for free to be able to get at any web site.

pip install pandas-datareader

  • yahoo_fin API

It is very useful API for free to be able to get only yahoo finance in additional to get financial statements.

pip install yahoo_fin

I use this both API in condition.

This APIs have advantage for free but, it is not official for website like yahoo finance.

Therefore, they were sometimes blocked. For free user like us, we use according to the situation and participate updating library :)

Code to get stock’s price

import pandas as pd
import pandas_datareader as pdr
import yahoo_fin.stock_info as yfs

from tqdm import tqdm
import datetime
import json

def main(url, index_list, index_name, start, end, run_yfs=False, run_pdr=True):

    ## Configuration directory url
    url_data = url+'data_origin/'

    print('Example Apple inc')
    if run_pdr:
        df_aapl = pdr.DataReader('AAPL', 'yahoo', start_day, today)

    if run_yfs:
        df_aapl = yfs.get_data('AAPL',start_date=start_day, end_date = today)
        df_aapl = df_aapl.reset_index()
        df_aapl = df_aapl.rename(columns={'open':'Open', 'index':'Date', 'high':'High','low':'Low','close':'Close','adjclose':'Adj Close','volume':'Volume','ticker':'Ticker'})
        df_aapl = df_aapl[['Ticker','Date','High','Low','Open','Close','Volume','Adj Close']]

    df_recent = pd.DataFrame({'Recent_price': []})
    etf_values = {}
    error_symbols = []
    for ticker in tqdm(index_list):
            if run_pdr:
                df = pdr.DataReader(ticker,'yahoo', start_day, today)
            if run_yfs:
                df = yfs.get_data(ticker,start_date=start_day, end_date = today)
                df = df.reset_index()
                df = df.rename(columns={'open':'Open', 'index':'Date', 'high':'High','low':'Low','close':'Close','adjclose':'Adj Close','volume':'Volume','ticker':'Ticker'})
                df = df[['Ticker','Date','High','Low','Open','Close','Volume','Adj Close']]
            df_recent.loc[ticker, 'Recent_price'] = yfs.get_live_price(ticker)
            etf_values[ticker] = df
            print('Error: ', error_symbols)
            df_recent.loc[ticker, 'Recent_price'] = yfs.get_live_price(ticker)

    if run_pdr:
        combined_value = pd.concat(etf_values)
        combined_value = combined_value.reset_index()
        combined_value= combined_value.rename(columns={'level_0': 'Ticker'})
    if run_yfs:
        combined_value = pd.concat(etf_values)
        combined_value = combined_value.reset_index()
        combined_value = combined_value.drop(['level_0','level_1'], axis=1)


    url_value_data = url_data+'FS_{0}_Value'.format(index_name)

    url_recent_value_data = url_data+'FS_{0}_Recent_Value'.format(index_name)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    with open('../config/config.json', 'r') as f:
        config = json.load(f)
    root_url = config['root_dir']

    filename= input("Choice of stock's list (dow, sp500, nasdaq, other, selected): ")

    dow_list = yfs.tickers_dow()
    if filename == 'dow':
        dow_list = yfs.tickers_dow()
    elif filename == 'sp500':
        dow_list = yfs.tickers_sp500()
    elif filename == 'nasdaq':
        dow_list = yfs.tickers_nasdaq()
    elif filename == 'other':
        dow_list = yfs.tickers_other()
    elif filename == 'selected':
        url = root_url+'/data_ForTrading/selected_ticker.json'
        temp_pd = pd.read_json(url)
        temp_pd = temp_pd['Ticker']
        dow_list = temp_pd.values.tolist()


    ## Define time of start to end ##
    #td_1y = datetime.timedelta(weeks=52/2)
    start_day = datetime.datetime(2010,1,1)
    today = datetime.datetime.now()
    #start_day = today-td_1y

    print('Price of stcok in {0} for date series and recent price'.format(filename))
    main(url=root_url, index_list = dow_list, index_name=filename, start= start_day, end = today, run_yfs = True, run_pdr=False)


We can get in condition of setting from start day to end day (today) and Recent price of live.

And, we’re also able to get index of stock like Dow and S&P500 etc.


The example result of upper code at dow index.

     Ticker       Date        High         Low        Open       Close       Volume   Adj Close
0       AAPL 2009-12-31    7.619643    7.520000    7.611786    7.526072  352410800.0    6.471693
1       AAPL 2010-01-04    7.660714    7.585000    7.622500    7.643214  493729600.0    6.572423
2       AAPL 2010-01-05    7.699643    7.616071    7.664286    7.656428  601904800.0    6.583786
3       AAPL 2010-01-06    7.686786    7.526786    7.656428    7.534643  552160000.0    6.479064
4       AAPL 2010-01-07    7.571429    7.466072    7.562500    7.520714  477131200.0    6.467088
...      ...        ...         ...         ...         ...         ...          ...         ...
84407    WMT 2021-06-21  136.750000  135.350006  135.660004  136.399994    6925000.0  136.399994
84408    WMT 2021-06-22  137.720001  136.229996  136.229996  137.029999    6369000.0  137.029999
84409    WMT 2021-06-23  136.990005  135.929993  136.500000  135.960007    6463500.0  135.960007
84410    WMT 2021-06-24  137.240005  136.100006  136.169998  136.910004    7814700.0  136.910004
84411    WMT 2021-06-25  138.860001  136.919998  137.130005  138.529999    9544400.0  138.529999

[84412 rows x 8 columns]
AAPL    133.110001
AMGN    242.679993
AXP     169.449997
BA      248.380005
CAT     216.309998
CRM     241.869995
CSCO     53.060001
CVX     107.300003
DIS     178.350006
DOW      63.290001
GS      368.769989
HD      313.630005
HON     218.740005
IBM     146.839996
INTC     55.910000
JNJ     164.210007
JPM     154.050003
KO       54.320000
MCD     232.419998
MMM     194.750000
MRK      77.199997
MSFT    265.019989
NKE     154.350006
PG      134.919998
TRV     151.720001
UNH     404.950012
V       237.320007
VZ       56.380001
WBA      52.160000
WMT     138.529999


Let us know how to get stock’s price in index.

If you want to use this code, I’m very sorry that you should change code and make directory for data a little bit.

I should appreciate and refer for many blog on google. Thanks a lot.

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