07 Jul 2021
Stock’s price
이번 포스트에서 파이썬 (Python) API를 이용해서 미국의 단위주식의 가격을 소개할 예정입니다.
주로 사용하는 API로는 두가지가 있습니다.
대표적으로 널리 사용되는 API이입니다. 사용법은 구글위에 다양한 정보가 있으니 참고해주시길 바랍니다.
pip install pandas-datareader
제가 자주 이용하는 API 입니다. 공식적이 API가 아니라 안정성이 떨어지지만 직접적으로 야후 파이넨셜 사이트에서 정보를 가져오기 떄문에 알기쉽게 데이터를 크롤링 할 수 있습니다.
pip install yahoo_fin
2가지 전부 평가가 좋은 API입니다. 사용에 따라 두가지를 적절히 이용해주시기 바랍니다.
Code to get stock’s price
import pandas as pd
import pandas_datareader as pdr
import yahoo_fin.stock_info as yfs
from tqdm import tqdm
import datetime
import json
def main(url, index_list, index_name, start, end, run_yfs=False, run_pdr=True):
## Configuration directory url
url_data = url+'data_origin/'
print('Example Apple inc')
if run_pdr:
df_aapl = pdr.DataReader('AAPL', 'yahoo', start_day, today)
if run_yfs:
df_aapl = yfs.get_data('AAPL',start_date=start_day, end_date = today)
df_aapl = df_aapl.reset_index()
df_aapl = df_aapl.rename(columns={'open':'Open', 'index':'Date', 'high':'High','low':'Low','close':'Close','adjclose':'Adj Close','volume':'Volume','ticker':'Ticker'})
df_aapl = df_aapl[['Ticker','Date','High','Low','Open','Close','Volume','Adj Close']]
df_recent = pd.DataFrame({'Recent_price': []})
etf_values = {}
error_symbols = []
for ticker in tqdm(index_list):
if run_pdr:
df = pdr.DataReader(ticker,'yahoo', start_day, today)
if run_yfs:
df = yfs.get_data(ticker,start_date=start_day, end_date = today)
df = df.reset_index()
df = df.rename(columns={'open':'Open', 'index':'Date', 'high':'High','low':'Low','close':'Close','adjclose':'Adj Close','volume':'Volume','ticker':'Ticker'})
df = df[['Ticker','Date','High','Low','Open','Close','Volume','Adj Close']]
df_recent.loc[ticker, 'Recent_price'] = yfs.get_live_price(ticker)
etf_values[ticker] = df
print('Error: ', error_symbols)
df_recent.loc[ticker, 'Recent_price'] = yfs.get_live_price(ticker)
if run_pdr:
combined_value = pd.concat(etf_values)
combined_value = combined_value.reset_index()
combined_value= combined_value.rename(columns={'level_0': 'Ticker'})
if run_yfs:
combined_value = pd.concat(etf_values)
combined_value = combined_value.reset_index()
combined_value = combined_value.drop(['level_0','level_1'], axis=1)
url_value_data = url_data+'FS_{0}_Value'.format(index_name)
url_recent_value_data = url_data+'FS_{0}_Recent_Value'.format(index_name)
if __name__ == '__main__':
with open('../config/config.json', 'r') as f:
config = json.load(f)
root_url = config['root_dir']
filename= input("Choice of stock's list (dow, sp500, nasdaq, other, selected): ")
dow_list = yfs.tickers_dow()
if filename == 'dow':
dow_list = yfs.tickers_dow()
elif filename == 'sp500':
dow_list = yfs.tickers_sp500()
elif filename == 'nasdaq':
dow_list = yfs.tickers_nasdaq()
elif filename == 'other':
dow_list = yfs.tickers_other()
elif filename == 'selected':
url = root_url+'/data_ForTrading/selected_ticker.json'
temp_pd = pd.read_json(url)
temp_pd = temp_pd['Ticker']
dow_list = temp_pd.values.tolist()
## Define time of start to end ##
#td_1y = datetime.timedelta(weeks=52/2)
start_day = datetime.datetime(2010,1,1)
today = datetime.datetime.now()
#start_day = today-td_1y
print('Price of stcok in {0} for date series and recent price'.format(filename))
main(url=root_url, index_list = dow_list, index_name=filename, start= start_day, end = today, run_yfs = True, run_pdr=False)
원하는 인덱스(Index)에 대해 yahoo_fin API를 이용하여 각 주식(Ticker)을 리스트로 부릅니다.
각각의 Ticker에 대해 지정하 날로부터 오늘까지의 종가를 포함한 각 시간열에 대해 가격 정보를 얻어옵니다. 또한, 현재 가격만을 따로 데이터프레임으로 저장합니다. 추후 데이터 해석을 위해 미리 뽑아옵니다. Nasdaq과 other의 인덱스는 꽤 시간이 걸리므로 주의 해 주시길 바랍니다.
위 코드를 진행할 경우 밑과 같은 결과가 나타납니다. yahoo_fin API에 의한 원시 데이터는 대표적으로 다우 인덱스 대해 뽑아봤습니다.
Ticker Date High Low Open Close Volume Adj Close
0 AAPL 2009-12-31 7.619643 7.520000 7.611786 7.526072 352410800.0 6.471693
1 AAPL 2010-01-04 7.660714 7.585000 7.622500 7.643214 493729600.0 6.572423
2 AAPL 2010-01-05 7.699643 7.616071 7.664286 7.656428 601904800.0 6.583786
3 AAPL 2010-01-06 7.686786 7.526786 7.656428 7.534643 552160000.0 6.479064
4 AAPL 2010-01-07 7.571429 7.466072 7.562500 7.520714 477131200.0 6.467088
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
84407 WMT 2021-06-21 136.750000 135.350006 135.660004 136.399994 6925000.0 136.399994
84408 WMT 2021-06-22 137.720001 136.229996 136.229996 137.029999 6369000.0 137.029999
84409 WMT 2021-06-23 136.990005 135.929993 136.500000 135.960007 6463500.0 135.960007
84410 WMT 2021-06-24 137.240005 136.100006 136.169998 136.910004 7814700.0 136.910004
84411 WMT 2021-06-25 138.860001 136.919998 137.130005 138.529999 9544400.0 138.529999
[84412 rows x 8 columns]
AAPL 133.110001
AMGN 242.679993
AXP 169.449997
BA 248.380005
CAT 216.309998
CRM 241.869995
CSCO 53.060001
CVX 107.300003
DIS 178.350006
DOW 63.290001
GS 368.769989
HD 313.630005
HON 218.740005
IBM 146.839996
INTC 55.910000
JNJ 164.210007
JPM 154.050003
KO 54.320000
MCD 232.419998
MMM 194.750000
MRK 77.199997
MSFT 265.019989
NKE 154.350006
PG 134.919998
TRV 151.720001
UNH 404.950012
V 237.320007
VZ 56.380001
WBA 52.160000
WMT 138.529999
이렇게 미국 주식의 시간열에 대한 주식 가격(시세, 종가) 및 현재가를 얻어봤습니다.
만약, 실제로 이 코드를 실행하고 싶으시다면, 폴더 Url을 변경해서 사용해주세요.
이 코드는 구글 위에 다양한 사람들에게 도움을 받았습니다. 대단히 감사합니다.
만약 이 포스트가 만족스럽다면 Github 의 Star 부탁드립니다 :)
07 Jul 2021
Stock’s financial statements
주식은 현재 얼마의 가젹으로 살수 있는지는 사실 중요하지 않습니다. 현재가와 발행한 주식수 을 포함한 시가총액(Market Capitalization)이 중요합니다. 이외로 PER, ROA 그리고 현금 흐름등 다양한 주가 정보가 있습니다. 이러한 주식의 정보를 모아서 회사는 재무재표를 발행하고, 감사하게도 야후 파이넨셜을 포함한 주식 정보 사이트에 올려져있습니다.
저는 yahoo_fin API 를 이용해서 간단히 웹상의 재무재표를 얻을 것입니다. 구체적인 사용법은 해당 Documation를 참고해주세요.
pip install yahoo_fin
Code to get stock’s financial statements
import yahoo_fin.stock_info as yfs
import pandas as pd
from tqdm import tqdm
import json
def main(url, index_list, index_name):
## Configuration directory url
url_data = url+'data_origin/'
# For check the table of one ticker like aapl
aapl_quote = yfs.get_quote_table('aapl')
aapl_val = yfs.get_stats_valuation('aapl')
aapl_ext = yfs.get_stats('aapl')
aapl_sheet = yfs.get_balance_sheet('aapl')
aapl_income = yfs.get_income_statement('aapl')
aapl_flow = yfs.get_cash_flow('aapl')
print('balance sheets')
print('income statements')
print('cash flow')
# Get data in the current olumn for each stock's valuation table
dow_stats = {}
dow_addstats = {}
dow_balsheets = {}
dow_income = {}
dow_flow = {}
error_symbols = []
for ticker in tqdm(index_list):
# Getteing Summary
basic = yfs.get_stats_valuation(ticker)
basic =basic.iloc[:,:2]
basic.columns = ['Attribute', 'Recent']
dow_stats[ticker] = basic
# Getting additioanl stats
add = yfs.get_stats(ticker)
add.columns = ['Attribute', 'Value']
dow_addstats[ticker] = add
# Getting balance sheets
sheets = yfs.get_balance_sheet(ticker)
dow_balsheets[ticker] = sheets
# Getting income statements
income = yfs.get_income_statement(ticker)
dow_income[ticker] = income
# Getting cash flow statements
flow = yfs.get_cash_flow(ticker)
dow_flow[ticker] = flow
print('Error ticker: ', ticker)
print('error symol: ', error_symbols)
for ticker in dow_balsheets.keys():
leng = len(dow_balsheets[ticker].columns)
dow_balsheets[ticker].columns = ['Before_'+str(i) for i in range(0,leng)]
dow_balsheets[ticker] = dow_balsheets[ticker].rename(columns={'Before_0': 'Recent'})
for ticker in dow_income.keys():
leng = len(dow_income[ticker].columns)
dow_income[ticker].columns = ['Before_'+str(i) for i in range(0,leng)]
dow_income[ticker] = dow_income[ticker].rename(columns={'Before_0': 'Recent'})
for ticker in dow_flow.keys():
leng = len(dow_flow[ticker].columns)
dow_flow[ticker].columns = ['Before_'+str(i) for i in range(0,leng)]
dow_flow[ticker] = dow_flow[ticker].rename(columns={'Before_0': 'Recent'})
combined_stats = pd.concat(dow_stats)
combined_stats = combined_stats.reset_index()
combined_stats = combined_stats.rename(columns={'level_0': 'Ticker'})
combined_addstats = pd.concat(dow_addstats)
combined_addstats = combined_addstats.reset_index()
combined_addstats = combined_addstats.rename(columns={'level_0': 'Ticker'})
combined_balsheets = pd.concat(dow_balsheets)
combined_balsheets = combined_balsheets.reset_index()
combined_balsheets = combined_balsheets.rename(columns={'level_0': 'Ticker'})
combined_income = pd.concat(dow_income)
combined_income = combined_income.reset_index()
combined_income = combined_income.rename(columns={'level_0': 'Ticker'})
combined_flow = pd.concat(dow_flow)
combined_flow = combined_flow.reset_index()
combined_flow = combined_flow.rename(columns={'level_0': 'Ticker'})
del combined_stats['level_1']
del combined_addstats['level_1']
list_stats = ['stats', 'addstats', 'balsheets', 'income', 'flow']
for s in list_stats:
url_FS = url_data+'FS_{0}_{1}'.format(index_name, s)
if s == 'stats':
df = combined_stats
elif s == 'addstats':
df = combined_addstats
elif s == 'balsheets':
df = combined_balsheets
elif s == 'income':
df = combined_income
elif s == 'flow':
df = combined_flow
if __name__ == '__main__':
with open('../config/config.json', 'r') as f:
config = json.load(f)
root_url = config['root_dir']
filename = input("Choice of stock's list (dow, sp500, nasdaq, other, selected): ")
# Get list of Dow tickers
dow_list = yfs.tickers_dow()
if filename == 'dow':
dow_list = yfs.tickers_dow()
elif filename == 'sp500':
dow_list = yfs.tickers_sp500()
elif filename == 'nasdaq':
dow_list = yfs.tickers_nasdaq()
elif filename == 'other':
dow_list = yfs.tickers_other()
elif filename == 'selected':
url = root_url+'/data_ForTrading/selected_ticker.json'
temp_pd = pd.read_json(url)
temp_pd = temp_pd['Ticker']
dow_list = temp_pd.values.tolist()
main(url=root_url, index_list = dow_list, index_name = filename)
먼저, API를 이용하여 대표적인 Ticker (AAPL) 에 대해 원시 데이터를 얻습니다.
그리고, balance sheets, investment sheets, cash flow sheets등 회사마다 측정하는 날짜가 다르므로, 추후의 데이터 해석을 위해 간단히 Recent와 Before_i로 지정해서 변경했습니다.
애플 (AAPL) 의 원시 재무재표는 밑과 같습니다.
0 1
0 Market Cap (intraday) 5 2.34T
1 Enterprise Value 3 2.3T
2 Trailing P/E 31.46
3 Forward P/E 1 26.16
4 PEG Ratio (5 yr expected) 1 1.45
5 Price/Sales (ttm) 7.18
6 Price/Book (mrq) 33.76
7 Enterprise Value/Revenue 3 7.07
8 Enterprise Value/EBITDA 7 23.05
Attribute Value
0 Beta (5Y Monthly) 1.21
1 52-Week Change 3 NaN
2 S&P500 52-Week Change 3 NaN
3 52 Week High 3 145.09
4 52 Week Low 3 89.14
5 50-Day Moving Average 3 128.8
6 200-Day Moving Average 3 129.16
7 Avg Vol (3 month) 3 82.31M
8 Avg Vol (10 day) 3 64.61M
9 Shares Outstanding 5 16.69B
10 Implied Shares Outstanding 6 NaN
11 Float 16.67B
12 % Held by Insiders 1 0.07%
13 % Held by Institutions 1 58.69%
14 Shares Short (May 27, 2021) 4 123.12M
15 Short Ratio (May 27, 2021) 4 1.36
16 Short % of Float (May 27, 2021) 4 0.74%
17 Short % of Shares Outstanding (May 27, 2021) 4 0.74%
18 Shares Short (prior month Apr 29, 2021) 4 82.71M
19 Forward Annual Dividend Rate 4 0.88
20 Forward Annual Dividend Yield 4 0.66%
21 Trailing Annual Dividend Rate 3 0.82
22 Trailing Annual Dividend Yield 3 0.60%
23 5 Year Average Dividend Yield 4 1.34
24 Payout Ratio 4 18.34%
25 Dividend Date 3 May 12, 2021
26 Ex-Dividend Date 4 May 06, 2021
27 Last Split Factor 2 4:1
28 Last Split Date 3 Aug 30, 2020
29 Fiscal Year Ends Sep 25, 2020
30 Most Recent Quarter (mrq) Mar 26, 2021
31 Profit Margin 23.45%
32 Operating Margin (ttm) 27.32%
33 Return on Assets (ttm) 16.90%
34 Return on Equity (ttm) 103.40%
35 Revenue (ttm) 325.41B
36 Revenue Per Share (ttm) 19.14
37 Quarterly Revenue Growth (yoy) 53.60%
38 Gross Profit (ttm) 104.96B
39 EBITDA 99.82B
40 Net Income Avi to Common (ttm) 76.31B
41 Diluted EPS (ttm) 4.45
42 Quarterly Earnings Growth (yoy) 110.10%
43 Total Cash (mrq) 69.83B
44 Total Cash Per Share (mrq) 4.18
45 Total Debt (mrq) 134.74B
46 Total Debt/Equity (mrq) 194.78
47 Current Ratio (mrq) 1.14
48 Book Value Per Share (mrq) 4.15
49 Operating Cash Flow (ttm) 99.59B
50 Levered Free Cash Flow (ttm) 80.12B
balance sheets
endDate 2020-09-26 2019-09-28 2018-09-29 2017-09-30
totalLiab 258549000000 248028000000 258578000000 241272000000
totalStockholderEquity 65339000000 90488000000 107147000000 134047000000
otherCurrentLiab 47867000000 43242000000 39293000000 38099000000
totalAssets 323888000000 338516000000 365725000000 375319000000
commonStock 50779000000 45174000000 40201000000 35867000000
otherCurrentAssets 11264000000 12352000000 12087000000 13936000000
retainedEarnings 14966000000 45898000000 70400000000 98330000000
otherLiab 46108000000 50503000000 48914000000 43251000000
treasuryStock -406000000 -584000000 -3454000000 -150000000
otherAssets 33952000000 32978000000 22283000000 18177000000
cash 38016000000 48844000000 25913000000 20289000000
totalCurrentLiabilities 105392000000 105718000000 115929000000 100814000000
shortLongTermDebt 8773000000 10260000000 8784000000 6496000000
otherStockholderEquity -406000000 -584000000 -3454000000 -150000000
propertyPlantEquipment 45336000000 37378000000 41304000000 33783000000
totalCurrentAssets 143713000000 162819000000 131339000000 128645000000
longTermInvestments 100887000000 105341000000 170799000000 194714000000
netTangibleAssets 65339000000 90488000000 107147000000 134047000000
shortTermInvestments 52927000000 51713000000 40388000000 53892000000
netReceivables 37445000000 45804000000 48995000000 35673000000
longTermDebt 98667000000 91807000000 93735000000 97207000000
inventory 4061000000 4106000000 3956000000 4855000000
accountsPayable 42296000000 46236000000 55888000000 44242000000
income statements
endDate 2020-09-26 2019-09-28 2018-09-29 2017-09-30
researchDevelopment 18752000000 16217000000 14236000000 11581000000
effectOfAccountingCharges None None None None
incomeBeforeTax 67091000000 65737000000 72903000000 64089000000
minorityInterest None None None None
netIncome 57411000000 55256000000 59531000000 48351000000
sellingGeneralAdministrative 19916000000 18245000000 16705000000 15261000000
grossProfit 104956000000 98392000000 101839000000 88186000000
ebit 66288000000 63930000000 70898000000 61344000000
operatingIncome 66288000000 63930000000 70898000000 61344000000
otherOperatingExpenses None None None None
interestExpense -2873000000 -3576000000 -3240000000 -2323000000
extraordinaryItems None None None None
nonRecurring None None None None
otherItems None None None None
incomeTaxExpense 9680000000 10481000000 13372000000 15738000000
totalRevenue 274515000000 260174000000 265595000000 229234000000
totalOperatingExpenses 208227000000 196244000000 194697000000 167890000000
costOfRevenue 169559000000 161782000000 163756000000 141048000000
totalOtherIncomeExpenseNet 803000000 1807000000 2005000000 2745000000
discontinuedOperations None None None None
netIncomeFromContinuingOps 57411000000 55256000000 59531000000 48351000000
netIncomeApplicableToCommonShares 57411000000 55256000000 59531000000 48351000000
cash flow
endDate 2020-09-26 2019-09-28 2018-09-29 2017-09-30
investments 5335000000 58093000000 30845000000 -33542000000
changeToLiabilities -1981000000 -2548000000 9172000000 8373000000
totalCashflowsFromInvestingActivities -4289000000 45896000000 16066000000 -46446000000
netBorrowings 2499000000 -7819000000 432000000 29014000000
totalCashFromFinancingActivities -86820000000 -90976000000 -87876000000 -17974000000
changeToOperatingActivities 881000000 -896000000 30016000000 -8480000000
issuanceOfStock 880000000 781000000 669000000 555000000
netIncome 57411000000 55256000000 59531000000 48351000000
changeInCash -10435000000 24311000000 5624000000 -195000000
repurchaseOfStock -75992000000 -69714000000 -75265000000 -34774000000
totalCashFromOperatingActivities 80674000000 69391000000 77434000000 64225000000
depreciation 11056000000 12547000000 10903000000 10157000000
otherCashflowsFromInvestingActivities -791000000 -1078000000 -745000000 -124000000
dividendsPaid -14081000000 -14119000000 -13712000000 -12769000000
changeToInventory -127000000 -289000000 828000000 -2723000000
changeToAccountReceivables 6917000000 245000000 -5322000000 -2093000000
otherCashflowsFromFinancingActivities -126000000 -105000000 -105000000 -105000000
changeToNetincome 6517000000 5076000000 -27694000000 10640000000
capitalExpenditures -7309000000 -10495000000 -13313000000 -12451000000
또한, 데이터 해석을 위해 각 인덱스의 대해 하나의 데이터 프레임화 시켜 저장했습니다.
하나의 예로서 다우 인덱스에 속하는 Ticker를 측정했습니다.
Ticker Attribute Recent
0 AAPL Market Cap (intraday) 5 2.34T
1 AAPL Enterprise Value 3 2.3T
2 AAPL Trailing P/E 31.46
3 AAPL Forward P/E 1 26.16
4 AAPL PEG Ratio (5 yr expected) 1 1.45
.. ... ... ...
265 WMT PEG Ratio (5 yr expected) 1 3.26
266 WMT Price/Sales (ttm) 0.70
267 WMT Price/Book (mrq) 5.02
268 WMT Enterprise Value/Revenue 3 0.76
269 WMT Enterprise Value/EBITDA 7 10.78
[270 rows x 3 columns]
Ticker Attribute Value
0 AAPL Beta (5Y Monthly) 1.21
1 AAPL 52-Week Change 3 NaN
2 AAPL S&P500 52-Week Change 3 NaN
3 AAPL 52 Week High 3 145.09
4 AAPL 52 Week Low 3 89.14
... ... ... ...
1525 WMT Total Debt/Equity (mrq) 74.74
1526 WMT Current Ratio (mrq) 0.95
1527 WMT Book Value Per Share (mrq) 27.93
1528 WMT Operating Cash Flow (ttm) 31.91B
1529 WMT Levered Free Cash Flow (ttm) 17.24B
[1530 rows x 3 columns]
Ticker Breakdown Recent Before_1 Before_2 Before_3
0 AAPL totalLiab 2.585490e+11 2.480280e+11 2.585780e+11 2.412720e+11
1 AAPL totalStockholderEquity 6.533900e+10 9.048800e+10 1.071470e+11 1.340470e+11
2 AAPL otherCurrentLiab 4.786700e+10 4.324200e+10 3.929300e+10 3.809900e+10
3 AAPL totalAssets 3.238880e+11 3.385160e+11 3.657250e+11 3.753190e+11
4 AAPL commonStock 5.077900e+10 4.517400e+10 4.020100e+10 3.586700e+10
.. ... ... ... ... ... ...
784 WMT netTangibleAssets 4.704200e+10 3.839600e+10 3.551500e+10 5.962700e+10
785 WMT netReceivables 6.516000e+09 6.284000e+09 6.283000e+09 5.614000e+09
786 WMT longTermDebt 4.165000e+10 4.441000e+10 4.394800e+10 3.023100e+10
787 WMT inventory 4.494900e+10 4.443500e+10 4.426900e+10 4.378300e+10
788 WMT accountsPayable 4.914100e+10 4.697300e+10 4.706000e+10 4.609200e+10
[789 rows x 6 columns]
Ticker Breakdown Recent Before_1 Before_2 Before_3
0 AAPL researchDevelopment 18752000000 16217000000 14236000000 11581000000
1 AAPL effectOfAccountingCharges None None None None
2 AAPL incomeBeforeTax 67091000000 65737000000 72903000000 64089000000
3 AAPL minorityInterest None None None None
4 AAPL netIncome 57411000000 55256000000 59531000000 48351000000
.. ... ... ... ... ... ...
655 WMT costOfRevenue 420315000000 394605000000 385301000000 373396000000
656 WMT totalOtherIncomeExpenseNet -6384000000 -1352000000 -10497000000 -5814000000
657 WMT discontinuedOperations None None None None
658 WMT netIncomeFromContinuingOps 13706000000 15201000000 7179000000 10523000000
659 WMT netIncomeApplicableToCommonShares 13510000000 14881000000 6670000000 9862000000
[660 rows x 6 columns]
Ticker Breakdown Recent Before_1 Before_2 Before_3
0 AAPL investments 5.335000e+09 5.809300e+10 3.084500e+10 -3.354200e+10
1 AAPL changeToLiabilities -1.981000e+09 -2.548000e+09 9.172000e+09 8.373000e+09
2 AAPL totalCashflowsFromInvestingActivities -4.289000e+09 4.589600e+10 1.606600e+10 -4.644600e+10
3 AAPL netBorrowings 2.499000e+09 -7.819000e+09 4.320000e+08 2.901400e+10
4 AAPL totalCashFromFinancingActivities -8.682000e+10 -9.097600e+10 -8.787600e+10 -1.797400e+10
.. ... ... ... ... ... ...
539 WMT changeToInventory -2.395000e+09 -3.000000e+08 -1.311000e+09 -1.400000e+08
540 WMT changeToAccountReceivables -1.086000e+09 1.540000e+08 -3.680000e+08 -1.074000e+09
541 WMT otherCashflowsFromFinancingActivities -1.670000e+09 -1.463000e+09 -1.060000e+09 -4.018000e+09
542 WMT changeToNetincome 3.440000e+09 -2.860000e+08 1.011000e+10 4.703000e+09
543 WMT capitalExpenditures -1.026400e+10 -1.070500e+10 -1.034400e+10 -1.005100e+10
[544 rows x 6 columns]
이렇게 미국 주식의 시간열에 대한 재무재표를 얻어봤습니다.
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23 Jun 2021
프로젝트를 하기에 있어서, 기록은 필수적이다.
마크업 언어는(markup language)중 대표적으로 htm,latexl과 markdown이 있으며,
마크다운은 단순 텍스트 에디터에서 손쉽게 작성 및 변경이 가능하다. 필자는 macOS 위에서Typora를 이용했다. 다크모드 지원과 편집이 즉시 반영되는 장점을 가지고있다.
그중 Lightweight 언어인 markdown의 대표적인 문법을 알아볼 생각이다.
간단한 문법을 시작으로 필요에 따라 글의 수정이 있을 예정이다.
2.1 헤더(Header), 문석의 제목
### 헤더
## 헤더
3.1 orded list
- white space
3.2 unordered list
*, -, + white space
3.3 split list
- list one - item 1
- list one - item 2
- sub item 1
- sub item 2
- list one - item 3
- list two - item A
- list two - item B
- list three - item _i_
- list three - item _ii_
4.1 url with hyperlink
(\: = : 를 이용해서 하이퍼링크 회피)
코드블럭(code blocks)
def sum (a,b)
return a+b
``` {.python}
def sum(a,b):
return a+b
Bash (bash)
c++ (cpp)
JSON (json)
Python (python)
이미지 (image)
